Fairfields School Trinity Avenue Northampton NN2 6JN Tel: 01604 714777 Contact Us

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Parent Reading Workshop

We invited our parents in to school for a reading workshop in March 2023. books

The purpose of the workshops was to

  • Develop an understanding of what reading looks like for your child 
  • Understand the importance of reading for children
  • Explore different methods for reading at home 
  • Learn the difference between reading skill and reading for pleasure
  • Ask questions about reading for your child

Please find the materials from the workshop below:

School Meals

At lunchtime, children have the choice to either bring a packed lunch to school or take advantage of a healthy school meal freshly prepared by our catering staff on the school premises. We are able to cater for all dietary needs and our staff are trained to support children who require different feeding methods or who experience difficulty in eating and swallowing.

All children in Key Stage 1 (Reception, Year 1 and Year 2) are entitled to Universal Free School Meals.

Some children may also be eligible for Free School Meals which will entitle the school to receive Pupil Premium funding. 

Pupil Premium

The pupil premium is additional school funding for disadvantaged children. It is paid directly to school to improve the quality of the education for this vulnerable group.

Fairfields may be entitled to Pupil Premium Funding if you receive one of the following benefits:

¨ Income Support

¨ Income Based Job Seekers Allowance

¨ Child Tax Credit Only (with income up to £16,190) with no element of Working Tax Credit

¨ National Asylum Seekers Support

¨ Guarantee Element of the State Pension Credit

¨ Employment and Support Allowance (income related)

¨ Universal Credit (income dependant)

If you meet this criteria your child will also be entitled to Free school meals. This is a service that is available when your child first starts school up to the age of 18 as long as they are in full time education. If you think your child would qualify, please apply even if your child is receiving Universal Infant Free School Meals as this enables Fairfields to gain the additional Pupil Premium Funding.

To apply please go to WNC Free School Meals

Catering Provider

Our catering partner is Kingswood Catering. All meals need to be booked via their website: www.kingswoodcatering.co.uk Please see our guides below on how to register and book meals. If you need any support with this, you can contact Kingswood directly on 01536 201203 or email  

Kingswood Logo 

Meals need to be ordered by midnight on Wednesday a week in advance. 

If your child requires a specialist medical diet, please contact Kingswood Catering directly. 


We participate in the ‘Free Fruit for Schools’ initiative which provides a healthy snack for children in Reception to Year 2.

We ask parents to provide their child with a healthy snack to bring to school each day.

Free School Milk

Childen in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are entitiled to free school milk. This is offered in school at snack times. School milk provides your child with essential nutrients such as calcium and protein, for strong, healthy teeth and bones. It is also rehydrating and energy boosting, helping to bridge the long gap between breakfast and lunch so children stay focused.


Education Health and Care Plans (EHCP)

An EHC plan identifies a child's special educational needs, together with health and social care provision when these services are involved.

The focus of an EHC plan is on what is important for the child or young person - what they want to achieve now and in the future.​

Education, health and care (EHC) plans should be used to actively monitor children's and young people's progress towards their outcomes and longer term aspirations.

EHC plans must be reviewed by the local authority a minimum of every twelve months. These reviews must focus on the child and young person's progress towards achieving the outcomes specified in their plan. The review must also consider whether these outcomes and supporting targets remain appropriate.

A Parent/Carer Guide to the Annual Review

The purpose of an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) is to meet the special educational needs of a child or young person, to secure the best possible outcomes for them across education, health and social care, and as they get older, prepare them for adulthood. An important part of making sure that an EHCP does improve the outcomes for children with SEND is the Annual Review.

For more information, we have put together the following document for parents/carers: 

On this page you will find information regarding important events within the school calendar, such as term dates, parents evening, sports days etc. 

Key Dates

The following dates are scheduled for the year but will be confirmed nearer the time - all updates will be shared via the Parent App.  For more information, please contact the school office.

Parent Coffee Mornings (9:30am)

  • Tuesday 10th October 2023
  • Tuesday 21st November 2023
  • Thursday 1st February 2024
  • Thursday 21st March 2024
  • Thursday 9th May 2024


  • Harvest Assemblies - Friday 20th October 2023
  • Easter Assemblies - Wesnesday 27th and Thursday 28th March 2024
  • End of Year Celebration Assemblies - Monday 22nd July & Tuesday 23rd July

Parents Evening

  • 18th October 2023 and 1st November 2023

Celebration Evening

  • Wednesday 6th March 2024

Tea with the Teachers

  • Wednesday 10th July 2024

School Events 

  • Children in Need - Friday 17th November 2023
  • Early Years and Key Stage 1 Christmas Production - 6th and 7th December 2023
  • Lower Key Stage 2 and Upper Key Stage 2 Christmas Production - 12th, 13th and 14th December 2023
  • World Book Day - Thursday 7th March 2024
  • Sports Week - 20th-24th May 2024
  • Olympic Challenge Week - 10th-14th June 2024


Please click on your child's department above to access their home learning resources.

These have been split into school terms for you. If you want to access previous term's work you are more than welcome to do so. 

The "Learning for Everyone" page contains links and resources for our whole school community to access. 

The file below provides more information about our remote education provision:


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Contact Us

Fairfields School
Trinity Avenue

Tel: 01604 714777
